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Mecum Indy 2020 : The Ultimate L88

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Mecum Indy 2020 : The Ultimate L88 Empty Mecum Indy 2020 : The Ultimate L88

Message  Buick68 Dim 19 Avr 2020, 19:12

Mecum Indy 2020 : The Ultimate L88 2a4aff21-bb85-4dca-8edf-e1ae7e122f3e

The Ultimate L88 Corvette
Bloomington Gold Great Hall Inductee
The last 1967 Corvette to leave the factory
The only 1967 L88 Corvette to retain its complete original L88 engine
Documented with the original tank sticker, window sticker, order form, shipper copy, dealer invoice, factory inspection form and factory ID card
Purchased new by Cliff Gottlob of Arkansas City, Kansas
Driven by Cliff Gottlob and Dave Dooley to 2nd in GT Class and 11th overall at the 24 Hours of Daytona in 1970
Driven to nearly 400 podium finished and more than 150 outright wins during its 8-year racing career with the original owner Cliff Gottlob, during that time the car took home 52 consecutive victories
Gottlob kept the car until 1978 when he sold it to David Burroughs and Jim Krughoff
Burroughs and Krughoff sold to car to Bill McDonagh in 1997
McDonagh sold the car to Dana Mecum in 2013
A freshly rebuilt, period correct L88 engine is included if the new owner chooses to preserve the original engine
According to David Burroughs, 'not one minute of ownership, one piece of paper, or one alteration is unaccounted for.'

Ca sera à surveiller autour de la St-Jean Baptiste Mr.Red

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Ville/Région : Beauce Nord
Masculin Nombre de messages : 16093
Date d'inscription : 01/10/2004
Voiture(s) : Skylark Custom 1968. Mustang GT convertible 2004


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