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boyd coddington décédé

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boyd coddington décédé Empty boyd coddington décédé

Message  belair71 Mer 27 Fév 2008, 17:51

We just got word that world-renowned car customizer, Boyd Coddington died this morning around 6 am. Although we don't have any details on what caused Coddington's death, we do know that he was in and out of the hospital over the past month. A spokesperson for the Coddington Corporation confirmed his passing earlier today and they'll be releasing a statement soon.

Our heartfelt condolences to his friends, family and fans.

(pris sur un autre forum) Shocked

Ville/Région : sorel-tracy
Masculin Nombre de messages : 123
Date d'inscription : 13/05/2007
Voiture(s) : belair 1971

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boyd coddington décédé Empty Re: boyd coddington décédé

Message  ADM Mer 27 Fév 2008, 18:49

Un gros nom qui nous quitte Confused

On parle de probleme de foie (liver failure) qui aurait causé sa mort . On ne fait pas mention de son départ sur le site qui porte son nom mais sur Wikipedia c'est déja ajouté .

Coddington grew up in Rupert, Idaho, where he got his first car (a 1931 Chevrolet truck) at age 13.[2] He attended machinist trade school at Idaho State University and completed a three year apprenticeship in machining. In 1966, he moved to California building hot rods by day and working as a machinist by night. He soon became known for building unique hot rods and in 1977 he opened his own shop, Hot Rods by Boyd, in Cypress, California. His first customer was Vern Luce whose car (a '33 coupe) won the Al Slonaker Award at the 1981 Oakland Roadshow. In 1988, Coddington founded Boyds Wheels Inc to manufacture and market custom automobile alloy wheels made from billet aluminum. In 1997, Coddington (along with his then chief designer Chip Foose) was inducted into the Hot Rod Hall of Fame.[3] In 1998, Coddington had to re-organize Boyds Wheels as the result of bankruptcy.[4] On April 7, 2005, Coddington pleaded guilty of perpetrating a "Ship of Theseus" fraud. Coddington had registered completely custom-fabricated, hand-built cars as antique automobiles in order to avoid emissions and tax liabilities.[5]

Until his death, Coddington had a 50,000 square feet (5,000 m²) garage located in La Habra, California and had 70 employees. He died on February 27, 2008 from liver failure.

Il avait 63 ans salut


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Ville/Région : Reauce-Nord
Masculin Nombre de messages : 13944
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004

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boyd coddington décédé Empty Re: boyd coddington décédé

Message  richard m Mer 27 Fév 2008, 19:02

C est un gros morceau qui part dans le domaine du hot-rod Moi j ai bien suivi son emission a la télé et ceux qui ont des voitures qui ont été construite par son equipe vont prendre de la valeur et plus je crois
richard m
richard m

Ville/Région : charny
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Date d'inscription : 19/08/2007
Voiture(s) : rambler american 440 1966 conv

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boyd coddington décédé Empty Re: boyd coddington décédé

Message  d0zf Mer 27 Fév 2008, 20:04

Un homme qui a fait beaucoup pour faire avancer le hobby

salut Salut

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Date d'inscription : 28/10/2007

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boyd coddington décédé Empty Re: boyd coddington décédé

Message  ADM Mer 27 Fév 2008, 22:49

Un video hommage a Boyd salut

article dans le San Francisco Chronicle : study

Quelqu'un a des photos du '33 Coupe de Vern Luce , son premier client ?

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Ville/Région : Reauce-Nord
Masculin Nombre de messages : 13944
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004

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boyd coddington décédé Empty Boyd Coddington est decedé

Message  mustangii Ven 29 Fév 2008, 01:32

le titre dit tout pale decedé le 27 fevrier Coddington had been hospitalized in January, shortly after New Years' 2008 following a fall at his home.[6] He was discharged, but complained of continuing complications and was readmitted just a few days later to Presbyterian Intercommunity Hospital in suburban Whittier. After being readmitted, Doctors preformed surgery and Boyd was expected to make a complete recovery. Coddington died on February 27, 2008 his company has released a statement stating that Coddington was "a long-time diabetic" who "died from complications that were brought on from a recent surgery.".

François "don't need a GOODWRENCH" MustangII

Ville/Région : granby
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Date d'inscription : 19/09/2004
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boyd coddington décédé Empty Re: boyd coddington décédé

Message  ADM Mer 19 Mar 2008, 19:11

Quelques pages parlant d`une des ces plus célebre création , Le Cadzilla de Billy Gibbons . bigsmurf

On peut voir le vidéo tiré du film Retour vers le Futur III avec une apparition du Cadzilla .
Truly a unique ride, the custom cost around $900,000 to build. This might explain why ZZ Top put Cadzilla in so many videos.

Une entrevue avec Billy Gibbons sur le Cadzilla

Quelques images d'autres de ses créations ici :

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Ville/Région : Reauce-Nord
Masculin Nombre de messages : 13944
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004

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