1979 Camaro Ultra Z concept

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1979 Camaro Ultra Z concept Empty 1979 Camaro Ultra Z concept

Message  427copoz Mar 16 Mar 2010, 10:10


Une Camaro concept 1979

La ultra Z


1979 Camaro Ultra Z concept 06128F5287C140C78B9D1AEFB69E0C123.0

1980 Chicago Auto Show

Chevy exhibited the Turbo Camaro Ultra Z show car during the 1979 and as seen here, the 1980 Chicago show. The aluminum 350 cubic inch V-8, fitted with fuel injection and a turbocharger was mated to a beefed-up automatic transmission. Exterior modifications on the Ultra Z included a whale tail rear spoiler, two-tone paint, hood and fender vents and a T-top roof.

1979 Camaro Ultra Z concept Ultraz40

un article de magazine devrait suivre.....


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1979 Camaro Ultra Z concept Empty Re: 1979 Camaro Ultra Z concept

Message  427copoz Mar 16 Mar 2010, 10:44


1979 Camaro Ultra Z concept 79ultr10

1979 Camaro Ultra Z concept 79ultr11


Je n'était pas collectionneur mais collecteur

Je me permet d'écrire sur ce forum parce que j'en suis un des batisseurs
o7 Leader :  Wardog Org ..i..

Masculin Nombre de messages : 21172
Date d'inscription : 17/09/2004

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