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Plusieurs photos : Ford ...de 1928 à 1929

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Plusieurs photos : Ford ...de 1928 à 1929 Empty Plusieurs photos : Ford ...de 1928 à 1929

Message  Le Chat Caméra Mer 28 Déc 2011, 14:06

bonjour !

A vrai dire, l'on en voit presqu'autant en "Vintage" qu'en "Streetrod"... siffle

...de 1928 à 1929

The Ford Model A of 1927–1931 (also colloquially called the A-Model Ford or the A, and A-bone among rodders and customizers) was the second huge success for the Ford Motor Company, after its predecessor, the Model T. First produced on October 20, 1927, but not sold until December 2, it replaced the venerable Model T, which had been produced for 18 years. This new Model A (a previous model had used the name in 1903–1904) was designated as a 1927 model and was available in four standard colors, but not black.

Suite → http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ford_Model_A_%281927%E2%80%931931%29 ; Peu d'info en français...

Quelques photos...
Ford 1928 → http://www.flickr.com/search/?w=98056955@N02&q=Ford%2028%20bb+-mustang+-truck
Ford 1929 → http://www.flickr.com/search/?w=98056955@N02&q=Ford%2029%20bb+-mustang+-truck+-30+-31+-32

Plusieurs photos : Ford ...de 1928 à 1929 Forda210
Ford 1928
Le Chat Caméra
Le Chat Caméra

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 10766
Date d'inscription : 25/06/2009


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