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Plusieurs photos : Mercury Marquis (1967-1986)

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Plusieurs photos : Mercury Marquis (1967-1986) Empty Plusieurs photos : Mercury Marquis (1967-1986)

Message  Le Chat Caméra Dim 19 Fév 2012, 06:21

bonjour !

Je garde quelques bons souvenirs de la génération 1973-1978... entre autre, pour foncer dans les lames-de-neige en plein hiver dans les chemins de campagne !  Wink  

Mercury Marquis

The Mercury Marquis is a vehicle produced by the Ford Motor Company under its Mercury brand from 1967 to 1986. It was produced for several generations as the Mercury counterpart of the full-size Ford (its direct equivalent was the Ford LTD); in 1983, the Marquis became Mercury's mid-size car.
As Ford Motor Company adopted front-wheel drive cars during the 1980s, the Marquis was phased out after the 1986 model year; it was replaced by the Mercury Sable, the twin of the Ford Taurus.

Suite → http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercury_Marquis

Quelques photos → http://www.flickr.com/search/?w=98056955@N02&q=Mercury%20Marquis%20bb

Plusieurs photos : Mercury Marquis (1967-1986) Mercur27
Mercury Marquis 1967
Le Chat Caméra
Le Chat Caméra

Ville/Région : Quebec
Masculin Nombre de messages : 10763
Date d'inscription : 25/06/2009


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