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Livre : Selling the American Muscle Cars

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Livre : Selling the American Muscle Cars Empty Livre : Selling the American Muscle Cars

Message  Buick68 Sam 08 Oct 2016, 13:22

Un livre sur les Muscle Cars va bientôt être sur le marché , ou plus précisément sur le marketing du phénomène des muscle cars . L'auteur Diego Rosenberg est membre d'un Forum Américain que je fréquente et il offre des dédicaces en pré-vente sur son site internet

Livre : Selling the American Muscle Cars Bookcover

AMC: Racing on a Budget

AMC's first muscle car: 1967 343 American
American Motors promotion at the 1968 Trans-Am race at Meadowdale Raceway
1969 "Badger" Javelin
Group 19 equipment
Redliner dealer performance report
Javelin XP
AMC's "Day at the Races" (1969)
Buick Enters the Field

The Gran Sport in three product lines
Blueprints for Buick's first air induction system, a dealer-installed option for 1968
The saga of the Stage 2
Buick's skunkworks courtesy of West Covina, CA's Reynolds Buick
The genesis of the GSX
Chevy Out in Front

How GM's edicts pushed Chevrolet into grass roots efforts
Dick Harrell and how his fingerprints showed up on everything great about the Bow Tie
Interview with Bob Johnson of Scuncio Chevrolet
Joel Rosen + Marty Schorr = Baldwin-Motion marketing
Dodge Charges Ahead

Mr. Norm and how he showed Dodge how it should be done
Scat Pack: From performance team and advertising campaign to something bigger
How the 1968 Charger helped Chrysler
Ford Fights Back

"Total Performance"
Ford's struggle: How racing did not equate to performance
Tasca Ford teaching Ford a thing or two about performance
The marketing triumph that was Mustang
"The Going Thing" and "Muscle Parts" integrated marketing campaigns
The untold story of the Mustang Sidewinder
Mercury Takes Flight

Mercury's obscure investment teaching dealers about the enthusiasts and youth market
The untold story of the 1968 Cyclone 500
Co-branding the "Streep Scene" with Coca-Cola
Mercury Sports Panel
Olds Joins the Fray

Michigan State University's Project W31
The Smothers Brothers Racing Team (complete with Pete Kost interview)
College-targeted Olds ads created by University of Wisconsin students
Dr. Oldsmobile's "Varooom Room"
Oldsmobile's take on the "Complete Automotive Performance Car Scene"
Plymouth Takes It to the Street

1-2-3 at Daytona!
The genius of the Road Runner
The Rapid Transit System and Caravan
Sox & Martin's (and Don Grotheer's, etc.) Supercar Clinic
Pontiac Sets the Pace

Bunkie Knudsen's legacy
The GTO pioneers a new segment
Jim Wangers' genius
Royal Pontiac and the Bobcats
Pontiac co-branding with Hurst, Thom McAn, and others
Canadian Pontiacs: Beaumont SD, Conroy Cheetah, and Firebird Comanche
Studebaker Charges Ahead

Studebaker's top-end performance program
R-series engines (including supercharging) set to save Studebaker
Jet-Thrust success thanks to Ray Tanner Motors' "The Whistler"
The Avanti's 11th-hour creation: too little, too late

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Ville/Région : Beauce Nord
Masculin Nombre de messages : 15917
Date d'inscription : 01/10/2004
Voiture(s) : Skylark Custom 1968. Mustang GT convertible 2004


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