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MOPARFEST en Ontario

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MOPARFEST en Ontario Empty MOPARFEST en Ontario

Message  Benhur Ven 04 Mai 2007, 13:55

Pour les mordus de la marque et qui ont envie de faire un peu de route (1 heure à l'ouest de Toronto)


Each year Moparfest gets bigger and bigger…

Last year there were almost 1600 Plymouth/Dodge/Chrysler/AMC/Jeep cars and trucks from all across Canada and the United States ranging from 1918 to present on the show field. 16,000 people attended the two-day event. Even in the rain!

This year we expect to have well over 1600 collector and special interest Mopars, as well as 200+ vendors and over 20,000 people in attendance.

En bonus, une collection de 300 photos



Never drive faster than... your Guardian Angel can fly !
La seule constante, c'est le changement.

Ville/Région : Saint-Jean-Baptiste, Québec
Masculin Nombre de messages : 1492
Date d'inscription : 04/11/2006
Voiture(s) : Chrysler New Yorker 1965 + Hyundai Sonata 2.0t 2012 + Harley Davidson Road King Classic 2009

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