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1969 Pontiac Firebird

2 participants

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1969 Pontiac Firebird Empty 1969 Pontiac Firebird

Message  Mau-Laval Jeu 07 Oct 2021, 18:15

Voici une belle Firebird, un modèle qui n'a eu cette ligne qu'une seule année, comme la Camaro, son moteur est un V8 de 400 p.c. qui développait à l'origine 345 H.P. :

1969 Pontiac Firebird 69-fir-001

1969 Pontiac Firebird 69-fir-002

1969 Pontiac Firebird 69-fir-003

1969 Pontiac Firebird 69-fir-004

1969 Pontiac Firebird 69-fir-005

1969 Pontiac Firebird 69-fir-006

1969 Pontiac Firebird 69-fir-007

1969 Pontiac Firebird 69-fir-008

1969 Pontiac Firebird 69-fir-009

1969 Pontiac Firebird 69-fir-010

La description :

This flaming hot firebird is ready to tear up some asphalt so come and get it before its too late! This model features a stout 400CI V8 motor paired to the beefy turbo 400 transmission giving this bird plenty of get up and go for those long weekend drives or laying rubber at the local show. This bird is sporting an original styled interior that was recently installed keeping the classy yet tough look the late 60s had to offer. Wearing a bright red, new coat of paint this 69' shines like the sun. Under the hood you are going to find a well dressed 400CI V8 sporting all the necessary mods including Edelbrock intake, Holley Carburetor, upgraded AC compressor, power steering and power brakes. Not only does this car look bad to the bone it has all the modern driving amenities you could ask for. This Firebird also features 4-wheel disk brakes, front and rear sway bars, all new ball joints, tie rods, and springs that allows this vehicle to hug the road like you hug your momma! This restoration paid every attention to detail keeping all the class and originality from the factory but adding a modern-day touch of comfort. This vehicle features the following options, air conditioning, am/fm radio, cruise control, power brakes, power steering, tilt wheel, seat belts, radial tires and rally wheels.

Son prix : $ 52,000 U.S.


Ville/Région : Laval
Masculin Nombre de messages : 10791
Date d'inscription : 28/12/2012
Voiture(s) : Kia Soul 2019 EX +

Buick68, 350 V8 et PIERRE 01 aiment ce message

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1969 Pontiac Firebird Empty Re: 1969 Pontiac Firebird

Message  PIERRE 01 Ven 08 Oct 2021, 03:18

thumleft superbe !

La passion des anciennes !!

Ville/Région : france ( ain 01 )
Masculin Nombre de messages : 11877
Date d'inscription : 30/10/2010

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