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barrie ontario

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Message  Invité Jeu 05 Sep 2013, 19:33

moi et mon chum chevydeluxe ont part pour barrie Ontario tres gros marcher aux puces de auto

43rd Annual Fall Barrie Automotive Flea Market

Event Start Date:09/05/2013 7:00 AM
Event End Date:09/08/2013 5:00 PM


Date: September 5 - 8, 2013
Location: Burl's Creek Family Event Park, 134 Line 8 South, Oro Station
Contact: (705) 487-3663; www.burlscreek.com

Canada's Finest Automotive Flea Market offers over 2500 vending spaces and 1000 camping sites. There is everything from collectibles & classic cars to those hard to find car parts. If you can't find it here, you can't find it anywhere. It's a Car Lover's Dream - Car Sales Corral, Sunday Auto Auction, Show & Shine and thousands of vendors. You won't believe your eyes. Bring your friends & family and stay in our convenient Campground.

Event Time: Thursday - Saturday: 7am - 7pm; Sunday: 7am - 5pm
Admission: Adults (Daily Admission) - $10.00; Children 12 & Under - Free; Weekend Pass - $20.00


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barrie ontario   Empty Re: barrie ontario

Message  paris65 Dim 02 Aoû 2015, 18:30

salut! je relance ce post pour savoir qui va aller a ce marché aux puces de pièces d'auto


Ville/Région : Vaudreuil-Dorion
Masculin Nombre de messages : 785
Date d'inscription : 19/05/2008
Voiture(s) : pontiac parisienne custom sport 1965

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